Once upon a time, while still in high-school and living near Geneva, I held a blog called Le GloB de Maxim. I used it as a support for personal thoughts and ego-feeding outreach to my friends, several of which were in Paris, (and in the pre-Facebook era). One of the reasons I am launching this new personal webspace bmax.im is to put this work back online as an archive.
This archive is now accessible at glob.bmax.im, and contains the articles that I wrote from March 2006 to August 2008, along with comments that people posted at the time.
Note that all videos do not work yet; the flash player will not work on mobiles, and dailymotion video integration seems to have changed... I plan to fix these video problems in the future.
Hello there, this is my first post on this blog. I often felt a need for a place to put some of my stuff and thoughts on the Internet. This is it; let's see how it turns out!